Include everything from rent, car notes, debt, insurance, business subscriptions, etc.
Rent | $650 | |
Transportation | $543 | |
Utilities | $170 | |
Entertainment | $70 | |
Debt Payments | $30 | |
Food | $50 | |
Insurance | $104 | |
Business Expenses | $476.00 | |
Business Marketing | $0 | |
Total | $2693 |
Total Monthly Expenses Using Chart Above = $2693
Monthly production hours is how many typical hours it takes per month to complete projects.
If it's 2 projects per month at 65 hours each (see chart below), then that equals around 120-130hrs per month. This helps you calculate how many hours you're actually working per month on all projects and how much that costs.
Hourly Cost (how much you're hourly rate is) = $65
Monthly Production Hours = 120hrs
On average, you're time is worth production hrs x hourly rate
$65 x 120hrs = $7800
Kick-off Meeting | 1hr |
Research & Strategy | 4hrs |
Strategy Presentation | 1hr |
Design Homepage | 4hrs |
Client Meeting on Homepage | 1hr |
Round 2 (if not approved) | 2hrs |
SEO / Copywriting | 4hrs |
Design Rest of Pages | 15hrs |
Final Client Design Meeting | 1hr |
Initial Development | 20hrs |
Integrations (if needed) | 10hrs |
Quality Assurance & Launch | 1hr |
Loom Training Videos | 1hr |
Final Call | 30mins |
Total Time | 65hrs |
Production cost is how much it 'costs' to perform the entirety of the service at hand.
In this example above, I used my Web Design & Development Service.
$65 x 65hrs + (outsourced work or hard costs) = Production cost
$65 x 65hrs = $4,225