To use seamlessly, give the loading wrapper a class name of "loading-wrapper" & wrap all page content inside of a div block. Give the div block a class name of "page-wrapper".

<!-- F’in sweet Webflow Hacks -->
/*The page-wrapper is initially hidden*/
.page-wrapper {
<script src="<>"></script>
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) { 
  // get a reference to the page wrapper
  const pageWrapper = document.querySelector(".page-wrapper");
  // get a reference to the loading wrapper
  const loadingWrapper = document.querySelector('.loading-wrapper');

  // get the 'seenAnimation' cookie and store in a seenAnimation variable
  const seenAnimation = Cookies.get('seenAnimation');
  // if the 'seenAnimation' cookie is undefined
    // display the loading-wrapper = "flex";
    // show the page-wrapper 
    // after a set duration of 3000 milliseconds
    // (the time it takes to show the loading-wrapper in this case)
    setTimeout(()=>{ = "block";
    }, 3000);
    // set the 'seenAnimation' cookie 
    Cookies.set('seenAnimation', 1, { expires: 1 });
    // else if the 'seenAnimation' cookie exists
    // the user has already seen the animation
    // and so
    // hide the loading-wrapper = "hidden";
    // show the page-wrapper = "block";

//This is for the "Clear my 24 hour cookie" button on this Hacks template
// this is not needed on your live site

  // when .clear-cookie is clicked 
    // remove the 'seenGif' cookie
    // the animation can now play again since
    //'seenAnimation' becomes undefined